Pristina, Kosovo, once dubbed the “capital of concrete,” is undergoing a remarkable metamorphosis, shedding its monotonous, drab, and grey reputation through a burst of vibrant graffiti adorning its walls and buildings.
Pristina, Kosovo, once dubbed the “capital of concrete,” is undergoing a remarkable metamorphosis, shedding its monotonous, drab, and grey reputation through a burst of vibrant graffiti adorning its walls and buildings.
During my recent visit to Pristina, Kosovo, I had the opportunity to visit the National Museum of Kosovo. One of the most captivating exhibits was a carved Dardanian relief dating back to the 5th – 4th century BC. This is in deed a remarkable artifact.
In the heart of Pristina, Kosovo, stands a remarkable testament to unity, faith, and the enduring legacy of a beloved figure. The Cathedral of Saint Mother Teresa, is known locally in Albanian as “Katedralja Shën Nënë Tereza në Prishtinë”.